Example of hyperspectral image analysis of Raman data using the software HIA2.3

Unzip RamanData.zip
RamanData.asc: hyperspectral Raman intensity images of a hippocampal tissue of from a patient with Alzheimer's disease acquired with the confocal Raman microscope at School of Biosciences (Cardiff University).
Laser excitation: 532nm. Grating:300l/mm. Software: Andor Solis.

1. Import hyperspectral data

2. Select the column with data


3. Set import parameters


4. Select pixel range for offset


5. Set interpolation setting


6. SVD filtering


7. Background fit



8. Save compressed data


8. Limit Spectra Range 

9. Exclude regions


10. FSC3


02/11/2015, Francesco Masia, Modified 18/11/2015